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Par Excellence STEM Academy

A community charter school of choice designed to offer an alternative approach to elementary education through STEM and Success for All curriculum.

Community School Statement

Par Excellence STEM Academy is a community school established under Chapter 3314 of the Revised Code. The school is a public school and students enrolled in and attending Par Excellence STEM Academy are required to take proficiency tests and other examinations prescribed by law. In addition, there may be other requirements for students at Par Excellence STEM Academy that are prescribed by law. Students who have been excused from the compulsory attendance law for the purpose of home education as defined by the Administrative Code shall no longer be excused for that purpose upon their enrollment in a community school. For more information about this matter, contact the school administration or the Ohio Department of Education.

Winners of the Success For All Foundation 2024 Robert F. Slavin Award!

Meet Our NEW Physical Education Teacher!!


  Mr. Geoffrey Smith



                  Our field trip to meet Governor DeWine




Online Registration

Registration for ALL new & returning students is now open!

We Are Ready To Help

For instructions on registering your child call the Main Office at 740-344-7279.


Friends of Par