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Lunch Information

All Par Excellence families must fill out one school lunch application per family. Either print and return to the school or fill out the application online (see below) and email it to Kendra Johnson at

Lunch Application

Par Excellence Academy February 2025


If you need a packet sent home or have questions, please email Kendra Johnson at


As a publicly funded school, students are provided free busing. Busing to and from Par Excellence STEM Academy is arranged by your local Licking County area school district. For example, if your assigned neighborhood school is in Newark City School District, you would call the Newark City Schools’ bus garage to set up busing.

Bus Garage Contacts

If you need additional information regarding busing, please call the school office.

Heath Schools Bus Garage
Lakewood Schools Bus Garage
Newark City Schools Bus Garage
North Fork Bus Garage
Licking Valley Schools Bus Garage


Absence Policy

To report your child absent, call 740-344-7279, Option 1, by 7:45 AM

Daily attendance is crucial to the overall academic success of each student. According to Ohio law, children must attend school unless there are valid and crucial reasons for being absent. “Missing the school bus,” “overslept,” “running late,” are examples of reasons that are not considered valid or crucial for being tardy or absent and will be counted as “unexcused.” Parents are encouraged to make every effort to see that their child attends school on a regular basis. The Missing Child Act mandates that when a student is absent, a parent/guardian MUST CALL the school office as early as possible. Students are also required, upon returning to school, to bring a written note or doctor’s excuse which verifies the absence. The answering machine is on 24 hours a day in order for a parent/guardian to call off their child. If not called, the school will call the parent/guardian. A student is also required to bring a written excuse upon return when absent for school for any reason. Regular and punctual attendance is essential for successful education.

Please refer to the “Attendance Policy” section of the Student Handbook for more information.

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